Julia Sujin Noël
As a consultant, I have been particularly influenced by my work in the international sector. For many years I was able to benefit from the diversity of multinational teams – and wrestle with their challenges. This has fueled my enthusiasm for finding ways to work through difficult topics in a way that everyone involved becomes stronger through the process – personally and as a team.
Whether in strategy development or a diverse corporate culture, or in shaping leadership responsibility – in my work with individuals, teams and organisations it is always important to me to create a safe, discrimination-sensitive space in which the participants can empower themselves: I support you to position and align yourself, and to act in your sphere of influence. The aim is to be able to carry out your own work with clarity, connectedness and with joy.
It is important to me that the results developed together are sustainable and transformable. That is why I like to use methods that participants can continue working with independently in their everyday (work) lives.
In process facilitation, I use elements from participatory change management, the People First Impact Method (P-FIM), co-creative Field Process Design (IPG) and the Deep Democracy Approach (DDI). The focus is always on the participants with their values, experiences and goals – and the fun of progress!
After studying political science, comparative studies, economics and journalism, I worked in humanitarian aid and international cooperation. Today I am involved both professionally and on a voluntary basis with collaborators from a wide variety of fields against racism, and for social justice and democratic empowerment.
My working languages are German and English.
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