Dr. Philine Sandhu
I see myself as a border crosser and bridge builder between scientific analysis and action-oriented advice, between preservation and constant exploration, between people of different status hierarchies and between disciplines.
For me, the development of diverse and equality-oriented organizations is for me one of the most exciting change processes of all, ranging from personal transformation to structural change measures. In this work – with all its perseverance but also potential – I support actors of change with a lot of energy and joy.
I draw impulses and insights above all from the interfaces of my different professional settings: As program manager of the supervisory board program at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR), by supporting women from a wide variety of industries and sectors in their effectiveness in supervisory bodies, as a scientific Advisor for the Federal Government in the evaluation of the so-called Women’s Quota Act, as a speaker, author or workshop leader. In all contexts, I am particularly driven by the question of the levers for transformation towards (gender) diversity, be it structural governance measures by the supervisory board or individual motives of change actors.
As an ethnologist and with a Masters in Gender Studies (UK), I did my doctorate in a DFG graduate program in economics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Through my training as a systemic consultant (ISBW), my consulting view is primarily shaped by the system with its (dys) functionalities.
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