Money as a driver for founding a company

“Money is not that important to me” “I don’t need a lot and I don’t want to get rich.” “How do I get money?”

The Gründerinnenzentrale invites you to an online forum on April 23, 2021 (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and an exciting journey of discovery on the subject of money.

The forum will be moderated by Dr. Claudia Neusüß, Managing Director and consultant at compassorange.

“Many women start their projects very cautiously and mostly fall back on their savings. They do not take advantage of government subsidies, let alone venture capital, and they also have reservations about “getting into debt” privately. So they start with relatively little financial resources.”

Forum topics include:

  • Which form of financing for which start-up?
  • Panel discussion with experts from the investment bank Berlin , StartNext , the center for female founders and various female founders

Theme rooms for questions and your pitch registration until April 21, 2021
All information is also available on the Female Founders’ Center