Female founders at the start


There are still too many structures that hold women back from becoming entrepreneurs at universities. The project “Female Entrepreneur-Friendly Universities for Germany” of the nationwide female entrepreneur agency (bga), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, got to the bottom of this.

Dr. Claudia Neusüß from compassorange has accompanied the project from the beginning and also moderated the public presentation of the interactively developed recommendations for action at the beginning of June.

The recommendations for action “Female founders at the start” are based on a study conducted by the Institute for Empirical Social and Economic Research (INES Berlin) as part of the project, on interactive consultation rounds in ten federal states and on expert hearings.

The result is an easy-to-read guide with priorities and best practice examples. Relevant social structures, university structures and potential for change are highlighted. What levers are there to support founders at universities? There are a number of ideas for this, such as contact points and start-up services, adapting the curriculum and teaching start-up skills, making transfer positions permanent, filling positions on a parity basis, integrating everything into university development plans and much more.

If you are interested, please take a look:

Recommendations for action

Part 1 of the conference on you tube

Part 2 of the conference on you tube