Our compassorange consultant Judy Gummich supports a project that we would like to draw attention to.
Das Projekt heißt Afro-diasporische Communities und Behinderung (AdiCoBe) – Black (dis) abled Power.
AdiCoBe aims to make visible people with African roots and disabilities as a particularly vulnerable group and in their individual life situations. This is because the realities of life, access and participation barriers of the group are largely unknown. The project offers space for exchange and empowerment. Collecting facts, identifying barriers and developing recommendations for action are the drivers of the project. Joint workshops get networking and self-organization going.
The project can be supported via community voting via the aidFIVE digital social lottery until May 15, 2023. More information about the project at the Federation for Anti-Discrimination and Education Work: https://bdb-germany.de/