Action day: How much intimacy does art need?


Art is an important point of reference and a source of inspiration for compassorange – whether as a form of expression, intuitive access, space for reflection or as an opportunity to engage with society. The arts enable us to see the bigger picture. We can find new answers and broaden our perspectives on matters that concern us as organisational consultants. Conversely, we are also happy to be active in an advisory capacity in the artistic field and support with our experiences from other spheres.

On 24. May 2019, Dr. Claudia Neusüß from compassorange moderates the joint action day of the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and the Hanns-Eisler University of Music Berlin. Students and teachers from Berlin’s art academies are invited. The day of action addresses the following questions: How intimate does art need to be? And what about intamacy and distance in artistic training? What does it take for respectful cooperation at universities?

See the program announcement for more information.